Bamba, anyone?

by Zehorit Heilicher, Tastemaker in Residence   

The most popular American snack is probably the potato chip – salty, crunchy and satisfying, what's not to like about a spud? You might be surprised to find out that it is not the same around the world. Many cultures have their own favorite snack foods featuring the local spices, seasonal foods and traditions. Israeli snack food reflects the rich variety of ethnicities in this immigrant society. However, there is one snack food that is quintessentially Israeli: Bamba.

Never heard of it? Well, think of peanut shaped light and crispy yellow pillowy snack with an intense salty and sweet peanut flavor that you can either bite into or place in your mouth and let it slowly and deliciously melt. Surprise! Americans do not have a monopoly on all things peanut!  This delicious snack is consumed by kids (who grow into addicted adults), placed in lunch boxes, brought to basketball and soccer games as well as picnics, sold in grocery stores, kiosks and movie theaters.

Since Israelis love to improvise and invent, in true Israeli fashion the local food industry started offering additional sinful variations. 

How about a chocolate filled Bamba? Hazelnut cream? Strawberry flavor? We have it all! It is so addictive that Trader Joe's decided to jump on the band wagon and offer its own version...

So, now that you have been warned of its addictive properties, if you still would like to try this delicious snack, at your own risk... Here are a couple of resources:

Makolet Online – Israeli online grocery store
