Snacks on the Go

by Julie Johnson, Tastemaker in Residence

Good nutrition is an essential component of planning road trips for our family or simply planning a day away from the house.  It is important for our family to make it fun but we also don’t want the kids on an extreme sugar high or fast food coma when we arrive at our destination.  And, most importantly…it is necessary to pack some snacks so mom (that’s me) doesn’t get “hangry” before the next pit stop.  

Hydration is the key to a successful road trip and we start by packing a cooler with plenty of water.  Or better yet, we often ditch the single-use plastic bottles and bring along our own water bottles to refill at various stops along the way.  Traveling with teenagers always leaves someone asking for soda but we limit soda requests to one per day.  

We try to keep our snacks as nutrient-packed as possible while avoiding empty calories.  Try is the keyword here as one can imagine with three teenagers, a bag of gummy bears or licorice is sure to make its way into the mix.  

To avoid empty calories, protein is a priority when we are packing our snack cooler and use items like beef jerky from a local meat market, string cheese, or varieties of block cheese that we cube and pack in portable containers.  If someone is hankering something sweet, they are encouraged to reach for a clementine or banana.  Another great choice without added refined sugar is Trader Joe’s fruit sauce crushers (applesauce in pouches).  Fruit sauce crushers come in several flavors; apple/mango or apple/strawberry is a hit with our crew.  Last but not least is trail mix – a good mix of salty and sweet is a must-have!

Other snack preferences that I like to keep within reach include the following:

  • RXBAR (Coconut Chocolate is my favorite) 

  • Raw nuts such as whole almonds, pistachios, or cashews

  • LÄRABARS (Cherry Pie is my favorite)

  • Theo Dark Chocolate with Coconut is a nice treat to satisfy the sweet tooth

What are some of your favorite snacks on the go? I would love to hear some of your ideas…feel free to share those suggestions in the comments.