Beautiful in Blue

by Reba Berge, Tastemaker in Residence

Bouquet Name: Beautiful In Blue

What You Will Need:

1 8” Cobalt Blue Vase

1 Packet Flower Food

1 Blue Hydrangea

2 White Oriental Lilies

2 White Roses

1 Purple Statice

2 Salal

1 Bluplerum

2 White Daisies

1 White Standard Mum

Step 1:

Begin by filling your vase with room temperature water and dissolving 1 packet of flower food in the water. Next, cut and insert the hydrangea and two stems of salal.

Step 2:

Cut and insert the three carnations, placing one of them through the center of the hydrangea. Next, cut and insert the roses and the standard mum. Space them equally apart from each other. This step will create three focal points throughout your bouquet.

Step 3:

Cut and insert the two daisy stems placing them across from each other. One towards the front, and one towards the back. Then, cut and insert the oriental lilies. The last step is to cut and insert the bluperum and statice as accents. You will place them as needed to fill out the bouquet.