Best Foreign Language Film Popcorn Film: A Fantastic Woman - MAPUCHE POPCORN 

by Cindi SutterFounder & Editor of Spirited Table® - Mark Addison pairs popcorn with his signature Oscar 2018 cocktails. 

Best Foreign Language Film Popcorn
Film: A Fantastic Woman
Country: Chile

Merken is a traditional Chilean seasoning created by the indigenous Mapuche people by blending chile powders, coriander, smoked sweet paprika, salt, and oregano.

1 – 3.5 oz. bag of popped popcorn
1 1/2 tablespoons Merken
2 Tbsp butter, melted


  1. Transfer the freshly popped popcorn to a larger ziplock bag, then add the spice mixture and drizzle the melted butter on top.
  2. Zip the bag closed and shake until the popcorn is evenly coated with spices.