Do not be too ready to do, Just Be

by Cindi SutterFounder of The Spirited Table®   

My Summer view from a beach chair, as close to relaxing as I can get, while reading work related papers. 

Doing is what I an extreme. Today I read the title of this post above in the book God Calling January 8th - by Two Listeners edited by A.J. Russell. And then I listened and reflected...

When life handed me a four month period of pain in my body, I really had to slow down. I kept asking God, why now, do you not know that I have a new website layout to launch? New partnerships to work on? etc. etc. (What a really dumb thing to ask, right?)

Guess what, He just wanted me to trust Him and just BE, not DO for a while; even though it was physically and emotionally painful. Just being enables you to listen, observe, and enjoy some of the miraculous things God has in store for you. Which in my case meant finding the most unlikely answers to the physical pain I was having.

So why do we find it so hard to Just BE? One of the pain relief providers I visited said it simplistically; Cindi, do you ever just sit and do nothing? Hmmmm....Unless watching the college football playoffs counts, the answer is probably NO. Bottom line; I don't have the answer, but I know that taking more time for rest and relaxation is important. So as we face a new year of change, share the ways in which you prefer to JUST BE!

I guess my grandmother was right, sometimes He just has to hit us with a bigger board. (Thanks Nano!)