Not Your Corner Store Medianoche

by Lisa Elbert, Tastemaker in Residence

Sweetbread Milanese, Country Ham Vinaigrette, Gruyère Foam, and Burnt Onion Mustard

Miami’s favorite sandwich is the Cuban, which you can find on nearly every corner in the city. The Medianoche is the Cuban’s spinoff sister made with sweet, challah-like bread instead of the crunchy, lard-infused Cubano loaf. At Miami’s Vagabond, Rising Star Chef Alex Chang set out to make a refined, elevated version of the Medianoche to help anchor the restaurant’s menu in the flavors of his adopted city. Conceptually, Chang brought the corner store to his art-filled dining room with his Sweetbread Milanese, Country Ham Vinaigrette, Gruyère Foam, and Burnt Onion Mustard. Every forkful is like taking a bite out of the sandwich original with the dish’s tangy mustard, salty ham, melting cheese, and meaty hunk of sweetbread.