Warm Lentil Salad

by Mimi & Vera LevinTastemakers in Residence

Spring has finally sprung and its time to trade those cozy leggings for cool shorts, fuzzy sweaters for breezy tanks, and clunky boots for chunky sandals. With the change in seasons comes a change in diet as many leave behind winter’s comfort foods in favor of a lighter fare. We are here to help you jump into warmer weather with three light and beautifully healthy salads!

Two more great salads from Mimi & Vera - Beet Salad & Grilled Summer Veggie Salad

5 cups cooked lentils
1 cup feta cheese
1 onion
1 clove garlic
½ cup balsamic vinegar
2 tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste 


  1. Pour 2 tbsp olive oil into pan, add onions and caramelize. Put garlic in pan and cook until golden brown.  
  2. Place cooked lentils in pot and pour in balsamic vinegar
  3. Add onion, garlic, and feta cheese
  4. Add salt and pepper to taste 
  5. Serve warm!