W3 Book Club - Violetta & The Thing in the Bottom of the Well

by Laura Chin, Tastemaker in Residence

Once a year our W3 bookclub invites spouses to join the festivities; this year it was for Christmas. Our book to discuss was Violetta & The Thing in the Bottom of the Well by Teri Popp. Teri is a Tastemaker in Residence for thespiritedtable.com.

The invitation read, “Dress Up”  and, while some arrived in sport coats and cocktail dresses, others “dressed up” in Santa hats, ugly sweaters, red and green lit up necklaces and colorful stockings. This just goes to show how differently people interpret the same words.  


Nevetheless, a good time was had by all!

Menu - (Laura was the host for the evening and is being very modest, but I can step in here and say...her cooking is renowned, so this was a fabulous Chinese extravaganza)!

  • Potstickers
  • Shrimp Toast
  • Chinese Chicken Salad
  • Roast Duck
  • Steamed Salmon with Ginger and Scallions
  • Stir-Fried Chicken and Vegetables
  • Shrimp Fried Rice
  • Sesame Chicken
  • White Chocolate and Peppermint Almond Bark
  • Chocolate Cake

For the back story on how the W3 Book Club began and their fabulous way of celebrating their book of the month, read more at W3 Book Club - Tastemaker in Residence
and W3 Book Club, The Back Story