W3 Book Club-It’s a Wonderful Life

by Teri E. Popp & Laura Chin, Tastemakers in Residence

The Covid 19 pandemic and political strife have made this past year particularly difficult for American citizens, and the world at large. Sometimes, we all need a breather and find things in our lives that give us an opportunity to be grateful. And W3 Book Club took that idea to heart by focusing on Frank Capra’s movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life” based on Philip Van Doren Stern’s short story, “The Greatest Gift.”

Co-hosts, Laura S and Teri, put together goodie baskets that they delivered out to W3 members. It gave them a couple of minutes to stand out on fellow book cluber’s porches and visit before they headed on to the next house!

Participants were asked to “dress as someone or something from the book or movie.” Several members chose to dress as Mary, the main character George’s wife. While others focused on the angelic aspect of the storyline. One of the ladies dressed up as Zuzu, George’s daughter, curls and all. I decided that a snowflake was in order for my costume. But no matter how we dressed, we found a way to be grateful for what we have—a deep friendship and love for each other.