Yoga in Paris

by Lisa Michaux, Tastemaker in Residence

It is a rainy Monday morning in Paris and most of the museums are closed, so I decide to partake of my other love, yoga. Luckily, a new studio has opened at the end of my street so I am down my stairs and off to the studio before I decide to have another café au lait and croissant :)

The Spectacular View Approaching the Yoga Studio (photo courtesy of Lisa Michaux)

Because it is Paris, the view is spectacular! The building is from the late 19th century, but the neon quotes and cheerful awnings are modern and welcoming. 

The Exterior of the Studio (photo courtesy of Lisa Michaux)

Many travelers struggle to continue their exercise routines while they are on the road, and while I never worry about getting enough steps in while visiting a European city, finding the space to practice yoga can be a challenge. 

Yoga is not cheap in Paris—I pay 30 euros for a drop in and another 2 euros for mat rental. And where American women will wear their workout gear for an entire day if they are even thinking of yoga, French women change at the studio and rarely wander about in their leggings. (Hint: the easiest way to tell Americans is by their Lululemons!) 

The Interior of Yoga Studio with Lights on Black Walls (photo courtesy of Lisa Michaux)

My studio is tiny yet fabulous. Rather than the mirrors, the walls are painted black and little white lights cover the space instead. Candles line the area and rest on the vintage fireplace. The room is full with 9-10 yogis, but in this intimate and cozy room it is easy to let the stress of the city fall away. 

The Charming Waiting Area for Yoga Students (photo courtesy of Lisa Michaux)

Nearly every studio has at least one or two classes taught in English, or with teachers that can direct you with a few english cues. But for me, taking a class in French is an amazing way to immerse myself in the language while doing something I adore. 

On your next trip, step out of your comfort zone and try a class!

À bientôt,