Healthy Habits

by Mimi & Vera LevinTastemakers in Residence

This past year, I found myself making excuses for why I could not take care of my physical, mental, or emotional health. I would often say “I’m too busy” or “I’m too tired” or “I’ll start cooking again on Monday.” These excuses became more and more common and eventually evolved into a bad habit. As I was dedicating a significant amount of time to caring for a new puppy, friends, and family, I found my own self-care pushed to the bottom of my priorities list. 

A few months into this “slump,” I hopped on the treadmill for the first time in a few days (in reality it was more like a few weeks), scrolled through a list of podcasts that I could listen to while running, and settled on one about the importance of self-care. Prior to listening this podcast, I always believed that I was being selfish if I put my own needs before the needs of others. After listening to the podcast, I realized that when we take care of ourselves first, we are able to more selflessly, purely, and whole-heartedly give our time and energy to others. 

The past few weeks I have worked hard to dedicate at least five minutes each day to “me time.” I know this may seem insignificant, however, it has made a big difference in my life. On days where I can only find a few minutes of downtime, I squeeze in morning devotion with my cup of coffee or a five-minute evening meditation. Some days I have much more free time, so I will choose to go for a hike in nature or for a long jog to clear my mind. By changing my habits, I have improved my relationships, my attitude, and my daily interactions with others. 

Listen to the podcast here: