Treasured Ones

by Cindi SutterFounder of Spirited Table®

Like so many, my childhood recollections of Easter include a variety of things including decorating eggs. The rainbow of colors my sisters and I made up so our little creations looked especially festive, probably blew up any self respecting color wheel. But isn't that the point of dying, hiding and then racing around the yard trying to locate the "treasured one"? 

In our family the "treasured one" took on several different meanings. My maternal grandmother was a seamstress. And when I say seamstress, her works included our "Easter Sunday best", that today would have been considered "runway" caliber designs. Too bad none of us inherited that sewing gene. 

The real "treasured one" of Easter for us, was the sacrifice for mankind made at the Cross. A few of my Easter stories are here...share your favorite Easter story and remember...He is Risen!