Make the Complex Simple

by Cindi SutterFounder of The Spirited Table®

Not as easy to do as it sounds, but I think it should be. So here is my stab at it. 

Ask yourself if your making it more complex than the reality of what it really takes to make it simple. (I'm a bonafide expert at overthinking a situation and that usually leads me down a path of overdoing the answer to this particular complexity).

So instead of falling into that trap, I visualize the "complex" task completed in the most simplistic way and I'm continually surprised at what a difference it makes. It clears out all the extemporaneous fluff and add-ons. I'm trying to be an editor instead of an additor. 

Depending on the size of your complexity, break it down into smaller tasks; then it's not so overwhelming. Sometimes when I attack the first task, the rest of the task are reduced in size and Voila the complex becomes simple. 

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