Baby Shower Sprinkled With Love
by Cindi Sutter, Founder of The Spirited Table®
These twin daughters are an over the top blessing. This particular set of twins shared not only their birthdays with us, but a baby shower. Twin sister and friends set the perfect stage for spreading the love, making Valentines for the new baby and of course opening gifts.

We've shared weddings, birthdays, anniversaries and more; but on this particular day, three generations + (the fourth in spirit) laughed a lot, shared food and drink, and hoped the Mom to be, made it through the party without well, becoming a MOM. She has about a month to go...

I loved the mix of crystal with paper plates and Valentine straws, hearts covered the tables and streamed from the ceiling. One can never have too many balloons or Valentine M & M's.

Our parting gift? Pink polish entitled - IT'S A GIRL!!!