A Taste of Red-White-Blue

by Becca Matheson, Tastemaker in Residence


My favorite 4th of July traditions, aside from fireworks and watermelon by a lake or at a beach, generally involve food. Not just any food though. I love to eat festive red, white, and blue food in celebration of Independence Day! Some of my favorite 4th of July themed foods are red, white, and blue angel food cake parfait and patriotic sangria. 

The red, white, and blue angel food cake parfait is a delicious (and easy to assemble) concoction of layered strawberries, blueberries, angel food cake squares, and cool whip (or homemade whip cream, if you’re feeling fancy). Just prepare it in a clear plastic or glass serving dish. It looks best in a wide cylinder shaped serving dish so that all the colors are visible. You can either buy the angel food cake or bake it yourself. Cut it into cubes, you’ll want enough for at least 2 layers. Start with the berries on the bottom. You can either mix them up or keep the fruit layers separate. I personally like to mix them up. Next, add the layer of cake cubes and top it with a good amount of cool whip or whip cream. Continue for as many ingredients as you have. I think it looks best when the berry layer begins and ends the dish. One thing to note is that the whip cream/cool whip will make the cake soggy. So it’s best to assemble this dish pretty close to when you’re going to eat it.

A perfect spirited beverage to pair with your red, white, and blue angel food cake parfait is patriotic sangria. This drink is easy to mix. Add a bottle or two of white wine. I like to use pinot grigio, since I don’t like it too sweet, but any white will do. Add a few jiggers of vodka (I think it turns out best when berry vodka is added) and mix in pineapples, sliced strawberries, and blueberries. Let it sit in the fridge for 30 minutes or so to let the flavors meld and then sip it up! It’s wonderfully refreshing for that hot 4th of July evening.

Those are just a couple of my 4th of July foodie faves. Whip them up and enjoy while giving thanks that we live in the best Country in the world - the good ol’ U.S. of A!