Life is Sport

by Cindi SutterFounder of The Spirited Table®

It might just be during the Olympic games for some, but for me, life is sport or sports as the case may be. According to Webster here is your answer. 

Simple Definition of sport

  • : to wear (something) in a way that attracts attention

  • : to play in a happy and lively way

This weekend my husband and I had so many stations of sport to watch, yell for, cry for, or to bemoan the fact that quite a few golfers let the buzz around Zika rob their potential for not only victory but quite possibly a once in a lifetime Olympic experience. 

If your a fan, of any sport, you understand what happens when your guy, girl, or team wins or looses. But look again at the wear in a way that attracts attention (the beach volleyball teams get it) to play in a happy and lively way. We watched so many different athletes doing what they've been training their whole lives to do with the singular hope of winning a medal, and usually doing so with a passion (in a lively way) that far and away surpasses any "professional athlete".

Watching the medal ceremonies says it's what they've trained for. 

So when the games are over, the good news for me is FOOTBALL SEASON IS ON!