Mom Memories

by Cindi SutterFounder & Editor of The Spirited Table®

Mother’s Day is honestly a very hard day for me. My Mother passed away 30 years ago and I was too young to have truly known her as an adult, a peer, a traveling buddy, a friend. 

The best table in the house was just outside our kitchen. She had a Spirited style that transcended the generations. An extraordinary way of the meal being about family, manners, hospitality and grace, without compromising the fun factor.  

I have two sisters, so you can only imagine the disputes that erupted over whose turn it was to do the dishes. But Mom always found a way to put at bay the sibling revelry; and that way usually involved sugar and laughing ourselves silly. 

Treasure the Moms and Grandmothers in your life whether you can see them, call them or just hanging on to the thousands of moments you had with them. After all, that's the ordinary magic that recalls the pictures inside your head. 

Just remember...Mom's come from all walks of life and fill your life with their friendship, support and love. I've had a kaleidoscope of Moms in my life and I can't thank them enough. 

So this TGIF Spirited Style I’m sharing a few Tastemaker Mother’s Day tips from our archives.

Mom and Kids Unite Around Florals

Mother’s Day - A First

Mom’s “Penny Supper”

This weekend is about relationships and honoring the important ones. Family harmony is your #1 priority this weekend so whether you connection point is enjoying sports, gardening, cooking, or maybe your table of choice is around the pool; love, laugh, listen, learn and treasure the moments.