TGIF - Spirited Style Tips

by Cindi SutterFounder of The Spirited Table®

Enjoy a few of my favorite link lovelies, to kick-off your TGIF with Spirited Style. 

  1. Quotes Diva ‏@TheQuotesDiva  Jul 10

    “It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.” - Herman Melville

    1. So spend a lazy Summer afternoon making a list of your top 5 new ideas. Amazing as it seems, I usually come up with the best ones, when I've had some down time vs sitting at my desk ready to type in the best idea ever. 

  2. If like me, your Summer schedule doesn't take you to Lake Placid, in New York’s Adirondack Mountains; pick up an Architectural Digest and page through; perhaps sitting in your own Adirondack chair.

  3. Afropolitan Mom@AfropolitanMom links you to TGIF family tips for Summer, back-to-school and so much more. 

      4. I'll end my TGIF Spirited tips with...