Hershey Cake - Florals

by Ardith Beveridge, Tastemaker in Residence


Floral Foam Cake form or a circle 5 ¾ “around, 3 7/8 high
9 Hershey bars
1 package of small Hershey candies
Cake stand
Wood sticks—Popsicle sticks
Big rubber band
Fresh Flowers
Any variety of beautiful bright blossoms

  1. Soak foam in fresh clean water with flower food and set on the cake stand or plate; place leaves under the edges of the floral foam cake. 
  2. Set Hershey Bars around cake inside of the rubber band to hold them in place, then tie ribbon over the rubber band. 
  3. Glue small bars on sticks, insert them and flowers in the top.
  4. Enjoy over and over using any variety of candy for birthday, anniversary, and graduation or just to be sweet.
  5. Put your imagination to work, cover the cake sides with plastic, put cookies around the form or carrots or asparagus.
  6. I’m thinking the candy Dots would look amazing.

Extra Touches - use colored wire to create a bow or any other extras.