Cindi's Birthday Adventures during NYC January Snowstorm - Part 1

by Cindi Sutter, Founder of The Spirited Table®

I began my "I'm stretching this birthday out as long as possible" with Birthday's that last stories, in the Tampa airport, then I dropped the tales of my birthday ball.

My next stop was New York City in all it's snowy splendor, well sorta. My NYC birthday trip began with cooler temps, but no snow. Remember, I live surrounded by Winter's white stuff, so a massive snow storm wasn't on my hit parade of birthday gifts. So to clarify why I'm in the snow by choice, the sticker I LUV NYC defines my attitude about all things NYC. 

My story begins at the end of our trip. We checked out of the hotel early and taxi'ed our way to LaGuardia, in the snow. You know the drill, the airline makes a semi-promise, they've cancelled flights to cities around Minneapolis, like Detroit, but oh no, we're not canceling your flight. We switch to an earlier flight, sit a bit, then comes the text, you're flight is cancelled and you won't leave NYC for 2 more days. Thanks to Uber, we make it back to the same place we just left, no taxis left at LaGuardia.

Yes, we checked back into the same hotel, thankful to have a room, but most restaurants were closing. We heard the Grand Central Market and Food Court were still open and stocked up. What a great place, even when everyone in there was racing to get out of the city, we had just driven through snow mounds to go back to, it was super cool. 

Stay tuned for my 40 block walk the next day during the big NYC snow day...(well not that much snow). It was actually a beautiful day for a walk and snapping photos.