Spinning From My Boots 2 My Roots-Week #2

by Tania Staps, Tastemaker in Residence

Hi everyone! I believe in having a prep day for the week, and Tuesday is the day I have chosen to give you a "word" for the week; update you on my previous week and provide tips, recipes or anything that has inspired me to stay on the path and reach my goal. On this day, if I can, I take the whole day off. If I'm not able to, I only do the work that must be done.  

I believe that so many women do not take any time for themselves. I know that is the case with me, and I have the results to prove it. I am exhausted, overweight, and generally not my best self. I have worked closely with women for 23 years, and I have to say this is the no. 1 problem. I know it is not always possible especially when you have a family. But I propose that you can find at least one hour a week, to just take care of you. I promise it will be the best thing you could do for yourself and your family. 

Being single at this time, I feel I have the awesome opportunity to just focus on me. When God chooses to bring whoever "he" is in the picture, I know I will be at my best to receive the love that I deserve and I'll be able to love someone in return. Right now it's all about loving me and getting healthy once and for all.

So, the word for this week is “Spin." 

I went to my local farmer's market and bought all varieties of greens and veggies. Lettuce is now my new form of bread. For me, bread has to be eliminated for me to lose weight. I'm not saying I'll never eat it again, but for now it has been taken out of my routine. 

When I get home the first thing I do is soak my veggies. I put a bit of white vinegar in the water. This releases the dirt and any bugs that may be on the produce. Then I rinse again just to be sure, then I “Spin" it out in my veggie spinner. I love my spinner! I have a large one for lettuce and veggies and a smaller one for all of my herbs. These are two of the most useful gadgets in my kitchen, besides my knife and cutting board. I cut up everything and put it in separate containers or storage bags. This takes a lot of time, but now I'm prepared for the week. 

One of my favorite Quotes is -"If you fail to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” - Bill Phillips.  

The other "spinning" I'm doing is Aqua spinning. I love the class offered at my local YMCA. Spin bikes are placed in the water and the class begins. It's harder than it looks and you get a great work out; but you stay cool in the water. I am also doing water aerobics and swimming. I have a bad back so these are low impact exercises that I can do. 

I also walk my little puppy, Tipsy every day. She Loves it and me too.  

I hope this provides inspiration for this week. THANK YOU for stopping by, and for all of your support.

Here's to getting healthy from your "Boots 2 your Roots!"

Big hugs! Tania