Happy 6 Month Birthday To The Spirited Table®

by Cindi Sutter, Founder of The Spirited Table®

In case you missed our birthday email; thanks for sharing the table with us! Whether you just took a seat at the table, or you've been sipping and savoring from the beginning, share your favorites. It's time for celebrating and toasting the future. 

Happy 6 month birthday tThe Spirited Table!

We adjusted some website bells and whistles. Now prominently featured are 6 months of pop culture table treasures. Take your seat for a spirited adventure; camp out with us for a few minutes. Inspirational dream boards brimming with food experiences personally crafted by our Tastemakers in Residence are waiting for your arrival. 

This week we reach back for a few heirloom posts and images you loved. Spring recently arrived for some of us, so we have to catch up. So market lists, recipes and ideas tip the scales in your favor. 

The premise on the table is "can the heirloom and the newbie tradition live happily after ever after? But of course...find out how.