Game Night Free-For-All

by Becca Matheson, Tastemaker in Residence

My friends and I do a once-monthly game night/pot luck/tequila night where everyone brings a different dish as well as a different game and drinks to fit the beverage theme. We mix it up between video and board games and the food generally has everything from fried chicken to donuts. These fun filled nights are always quite an assortment, and the wild variety always adds to the humor of the night.  

This week's adventure is featuring pizza and wings, however the suggestion of "bring your own food or snacks to share" will no doubt lead to Popsicles, ice cream, biscuits, homemade bread, or anything you can imagine. 

There is no better way to enjoy a truly random night of games and food than to do a pot luck for the both without any guidelines as far as the theme of the meal or a list of who's bringing what. People come and bring whatever they feel comfortable bringing, and get to try lots of new and unhealthy things. It ends up leaving everyone with a full belly and ironically tightened abs from uproarious laughter. 

(A homemade pizza made from Trader Joe's dough, is one option)

(A homemade pizza made from Trader Joe's dough, is one option)