The Olympic Spirit...on your table

by Zehorit HeilicherTastemaker in Residence

“When a man's stomach is full it makes no difference whether he is rich or poor.”

Euripides (BC 480-BC 406) Greek tragic poet.

Incredible how true that is more than twenty five hundred years later! Over centuries the Greeks have developed a rich and delicious culinary tradition. Originating in the mythic mount Olympus festivals celebrated seasons, battles and competitions. Dionysus, the god of the grape harvest poured the wine while Zeus and Hera officiated at the festivities. Just consider the offerings that would have graced their table: olive oil, feta cheese, Kalamata olives, figs, baklava... Sorry, I have to pause – my mouth is watering…

So why am I drooling over Greek food today? As the Olympic fever sweeps us all this February, celebrate the origin of the Olympic tradition by hiking up Mount Olympus (figuratively speaking) for a Greek feast to make the Gods envy.

What’s on the menu, then? Break out the ouzo, set out a bowl of Greek olives next to a hunk of feta cheese drizzled with honey along with some crackers. Voila! Appetizers done!

If you are watching the Olympics and prefer some finger food – pre-grill or broil Greek chicken skewers, or even halibut skewers-the marinade works well for both (see recipe here). For a sit down dinner you could roast chicken pieces or halibut fillet in the same marinade and serve a dilled rice pilaf with it. Toss a large Greek salad with some pepperoncini and crumbled feta cheese and add some roasted potato wedges. Round it all up with a serving of baklava and mint tea and you will be feasting like the gods! 

Here’s to the Olympic spirit! Opa!

Greek Chicken Skewers found in Food & Drink - Entrees