A Helpful Hand Was Here

by Heather Durenberger, Tastemaker in Residence


Did you know the first Thanksgiving people came to the table over three days? Imagine the cooking and preparations for three days of meals and celebrations. As your family gathers to celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you will take a moment to give thanks for all the blessings in your life. I find it truly amazing that we have everything we need.

As a mom, I work to instill this belief and knowledge in my children. We have fun with this by teaching our children, A Helpful Hand. The kids trace their hand or make a star on a piece of construction paper; then decorate, cut out the shape and write, A Helpful Hand Was Here. Then it is their job to help someone without taking credit for it and leave the helpful hand behind as a token of their efforts. Time after time, when I am tired and thinking I am all alone in caring for my family, A Helpful Hand will magically appear. I love that my children know they are an important part of our family while they learn the value of contributing when no one is looking.

This Thanksgiving as you and your family prepare your beautiful table, delicious meal, activities and enjoy the after dinner glow. Take a moment to share from your heart what you are truly thankful for. Take the lead with your family and model gratitude. You can say a prayer, read a poem, ask each one at the table what they are thankful for or share a story from your childhood. This Thanksgiving take action by showing gratitude toward others.

While the majority of America is crying for bigger and better, everything we really need has been provided for us. For me a big part of Thanksgiving is knowing that I am part of something bigger than myself. I am provided for and I have the opportunity to be grateful.